Wednesday 22 June 2011

What is the difference between ‘in camera' and ‘on camera'?

What is the difference between ‘in camera' and ‘on camera'?
(L. Anuradha, Pune)
The expression ‘on camera' is mostly used in the world of television and films. When someone says that you are ‘on camera', it means that the cameraman has you in his sights; his camera is focussed on you. When you are no longer a part of what is being filmed or ‘shot', you are said to be ‘off camera'.
*The DIG didn't realise he was on camera when he made those comments.
‘In camera' literally means ‘in the room'. When you hold a meeting ‘in camera', it is held in a room; it is a private or a secret meeting. When a judge says he would like to meet the two lawyers ‘in chambers', he wants to meet them ‘in camera'.
*If it is a matter of national security, the trial will take place in camera. 

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